October is the National Safe Work Month.
Our team at Mark Fletcher Solid Plaster and Texture Coatings Pty Ltd are all on board with this great campaign.
We will continue to ensure that we follow best practices, provide quality and participate in health and safety training's.
Here are just some of things we did in the last 6 weeks...
Our apprentice Dhan completed his Work Safely at Heights with Pro Lift Training FNQ.
Our Director Mark Fletcher and Operations Manager Paul Humphries completed the Working in Confined Spaces and Gas Test Atmospheres with Pro Lift Training FNQ.
Mark, Paul and Ursula completed the Work Health and Safety Course for Managers and Supervisors with Total Management & Training.
Paul completed the Tag and Test Course with Total Management & Training
Our friends at Dulux assisted us with gifting our team with Face Masks and Dulux Crew Shirts.
We all got brand new shining Hard Hats from RSEA Cairns.
We had the best Chicken Wings from Cock & Bull at our Tool Box Talks.
It is our promise to our team, contractors and fellow subbies that we continue to provide a safe working environment.
Stay safe and have a great weekend 💙